Hundred Best Hahas

Rolling Stone presents its list of the “100 Best TV Sitcoms of All Time.” Many of my favorites make the cut, including Daria (#92), Will & Grace (#81), Phineas & Ferb (#65), the Jeffersons (#48), the Golden Girls (#32), Fawlty Towers (#31), I Love Lucy (#4), and the Simpsons (#1).

Snow Day Misers

NYC’s Department of Education — already stingy with snow days — declares instruction will be remote [← WSJ paywall] on inclement weather days. On the plus side, DOE recognizes Indigenous People’s Day in place of “Columbus Day,” and adds Juneteenth as a day off.


MSNBC anchor Joy Reid drags Tucker Carlson for filth. Her delivery on this, [chef’s kiss] perfection. And for the nostalgic, Jon Stewart’s 2004 appearance on CNN’s Crossfire, showing just how much of a dick “Tuckums” has always been.